- Gloria: In Excelsis Deo / Gloria (Version) - Patti Smith
- Survive - the Bags
- Iama Poseur - X-Ray Spex
- I Gave My Punk Jacket to Rickie - Mary Monday & the Bitches
- I Didn't Have the Nerve to Say No - Blondie
- You're a Million - the Raincoats
- Popcorn Boy (Waddle Ya Do?) - Essential Logic
- Expert - Pragvec
- My Cherry Is in Sherry - Ludus
- Kray Twins - Mo-Dettes
- Earthbeat - the Slits
- Das Ah Riot - Bush Tetras
- Bitchen Summer (Speedway) - Bangles
- Shakedown - Au Pairs
- It's About Time - the Pandoras
- Come on Now - the Pussywillows
- Rules and Regulations - We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It!!
- Her Jazz - Huggy Bear
- Bruise Violet - Babes in Toyland
- Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill
- Pretend We're Dead - L7
- What's Wrong with You - Bratmobile
- Let Go of the Past - the Tuts
- Hot - the Regrettes
- Silver Spoons - Skinny Girl Diet